Mail: 1968 S. Coast Hwy, Suite 5003, Laguna Beach CA 92651, United States WhatsApp: +1 (514) 400-7286 CONTACT US BUY NOW

Standalone Mobile App

    Standalone mobile app for Android only with all of your premium social network's features!

    • Our team publishes the app for you!
    • Your own logo , name and Icon!
    • Push Notifications (All Notifications)
    • Fast in speed!
    • Easily Customizable
    • With all features available!
    • No extra work required!

    Send the name, logo (512 x 512 px) in png format, website URL and app description to [email protected].

    If you want to publish using your own Google Play account, you must provide us admin access to your account. Alternatively, our team might publish the app on your behalf using our account.

    Once you unlocked you can able to download this product any time

    Buy / Unlock
    Product LicenseCommercial
    Product TypeComponent