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Site Moderators

    This component allows you to define users as moderators. As moderator you are allowing them to delete comments, photos and posts. To define which user is a moderator please login into your administrator account, go to users list, find user , edit user and in settings page mark 'Make Moderator' as yes,

    By Default the moderator can prohibit users from going to the user profile by clicking the dropdown icon in right side below its cover (same place where user can poke other) and clicking delete user.

    You can disable this behavior by editing ossn_com.php file and setting MODERATOR_DELETE_USERS to false which can be found on line number 14

    Once you unlocked you can able to download this product any time

    Buy / Unlock
    Product LicenseCommercial
    Product TypeComponent
    Latest Version6.3
    Last Update1 week ago
    Incl. Premium Social Network
    Incl. Managed Social Network