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Allow your users to send gifts on site to their friends using wallet (paypal) or a user points. The component have following

  1. Admin can add gifts
  2. Admin can remove or edit existing gifts
  3. The image requirement is square 512x512 should be fine.
  4. User can see the all available gifts on site.
  5. User can select he wanted to send and then also select multiple friends.
  6. Payment Mode is using Wallet (PayPal) or UserPoints paid module.
  7. User receive notification if someone send gift.
  8. User can see sent and received gifts.
  9. Supports Multipurpose dark theme mode.

Wallet Component

User Points component paid :

Once you unlocked you can able to download this product any time

Buy / Unlock
Product LicenseCommercial
Product TypeComponent
Latest Version1.5
Last Update1 week ago
Incl. Managed Social Network